FS Literary Competition and Turin Book Fair, more than 2000 neophyte authors have sent their stories

“A/R Andata e racconto. Appunti di viaggio” contest entries closed. The three winners will be announced at the end of May and their works published at the end of the year 

Rome, 08 February 2023

Over two thousand new travel stories, sprung from the pens of just as many neophyte authors. These are the key figures of the first literary contest launched by the FS Group in collaboration with the Turin International Book Fair, welcoming authors over 18 years of age to submit works focused on sustainable travel, in its multiple meanings and nuances.

The deadline to participate in the “A/R Andata e racconto. Appunti di viaggio” contest was February 3rd and drew numerous participants. The stories had to be between 15,000 and 20,000 characters long (including spaces) and must not have been previously published and released to book stores.

An initial selection will take place in April: a technical commission, appointed by the Turin International Book Fair, will meet to create a list of 25 finalist stories. At that point, a jury of eight authors and a representative of the FS Group will express their preferences and choose three winners.

Jury members will share the characteristic of having addressed, in their novels or essays, the theme of travel, from real and first-hand experiences to imaginary ones, from journeys in history to those made by protagonists of the past, from journeys dedicated to self-help and learning about others to those undertaken to retrace family events. The jury will include Enrico Brizzi, Fabio Genovesi, Antonella Lattanzi, Andrea Marcolongo, Matteo Nucci, Antonio Pascale, Lorenza Pieri, Veronica Raimo and, for the FS Group, Marco Mancini, Director responsible for La Freccia publications.

The winning works will be announced during the International Book Fair, scheduled in Turin from May 18th to 22nd. The three stories that reach the podium will be published at the end of the year together with the works of the writers who are part of the jury in an anthology published by an Italian publishing house selected by the FS Group.