At Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. (FS), there is an FS Group Association for Lawyers and Legal Consultants (Association*).

The association is managed by FS, at the Central Office of the General Counsel, Company Affairs and Compliance, whereas the individual appointments are assigned by the competent areas of the FS Group companies that require the service.

Applications for registration may be submitted, throughout the calendar year, by certified e-mail to be sent to the e-mail address or by post to the following address: Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. - Direzione Centrale General Counsel, Affari Societari e Compliance - Piazza della Croce Rossa, 1 00161 Roma.

FS updates the association on an annual basis.

FS reserves the right to assess the applications for registration in the association, in compliance with the qualifications, experience gained and in relation to the subjects and territory, based on management requirements.

Inclusion in the association does not grant any right or legitimate expectation of the professionals in relation to the awarding of appointments.

 * Please note that ANAS S.p.A. has its own association, for which please see the company's website.