It is necessary to possess special psychological and/or physical, general and special requirements to complete the selection process and enter employment in activities to maintain the safety of operation and traffic in the railway sector.
Below are the corresponding industry regulations.
Implementation of Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community (assessment of the requirements of Annex III of the Decree).
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/773 of 16 May 2019 concerning the Technical Specification for interoperability relating to the "Traffic operation and management" subsystem of the rail system in the European Union and repealing Decision 2012/757/EU (assessment of requirements under Section 4.7 et seq. of the Regulation).
Provision no. 55 of 28 November 2006 of RFI SpA "Rules relating to medical examinations for the recruitment and review of personnel used in activities connected with the safety of train circulation and railway operations", currently in force for Traffic Management, Infrastructure Maintenance, Train Preparation and Vehicle Maintenance safety activities as per ANSFISA Note no. 0059345 of 23 December 2022 (assessment of special physical requirements as per Table 3 Annex 2 for standardising recruitment and review requirements).
ANSFISA Note (Official Register U.0059345 23 December 2022) "Standardisation of the special physical requirements of RFI Provision 55/2006 covering recruitment examination and review examination - Further extension of the principles introduced in the European regulations for “Driving Tasks” and “Train Accompaniment” to other safety activities" (specific indications for the assessment of the fitness requirements for Traffic Management, Infrastructure Maintenance, Train Preparation and Vehicle Maintenance safety activities).
Nota ANSF n.196 del 10 gennaio 2017 “Attuazione dei punti 4.6 e 4.7 della Specifica tecnica di Interoperabilità Esercizio e Gestione del traffico emanata in allegato alla decisione 2012/757/UE e modificata dal Regolamento (UE) 2015/995 della Commissione dell’8 giugno 2015. Adozione dei principi introdotti dalla Specifica Tecnica di Interoperabilità Esercizio anche nelle norme nazionali” (modalità di valutazione dei requisiti indicati al punto 1 “Attuazione de punti 4.6 e 4.7 della STI OPE”: per eventuali competenze aggiuntive è previsto il rimando al titolare dell’abilitazione ai fini della definizione ed autorizzazione delle stesse ai fini dei requisiti professionali, sanitari e linguistici).