Coronavirus, FS Italiane Group: measures and initiatives

The actions taken by FS Italiane

Rome, 23 February 2020

In compliance with the measures approved (Saturday, 22 February 2020) by the Council of Ministers with the Decree Law on the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency COVID-2019, the FS Italiane Group has activated special procedures to ensure the management of situations related to possible COVID-2019 cases aboard both medium- and long-distance trains (Frecce, InterCity, InterCity Night) and regional trains in the interest of the utmost safety of passengers travelling and the front-line staff of the operating companies.

In particular, Trenitalia issued a protocol to staff in contact with travellers and has arranged for:

  • the installation of hand disinfectant dispensers aboard trains;
  • the issuance of special protective equipment to the staff (filter masks, disposable gloves);
  • strengthening of disinfectant cleaning activities aboard trains in the Trenitalia fleet (Frecce, InterCity, InterCity Night and Regional);
  • the dissemination of the Ministry of Health's vademecum through illustrative leaflets and on the monitors of regional and Frecce trains or, where there are no monitors, the diffusion of announcements to passengers aboard;
  • communication to travellers, through Trenitalia’s information channels and sales systems regarding cancellations of all trains in the stations of Codogno and Casalpusterlengo, as per the provisions hailing from the competent authorities;
  • the definition, currently in progress, of terms and modalities for reimbursements in the form of bonuses for those who renounce their travel plans, irrespective of the ticket type purchased.

In order to minimise the likelihood of exposure to contagion, in addition to advising its staff to adopt as an optimal behavioural procedure to consult a doctor and stay at home if suffering from flu-like symptoms, the FS Italiane Group has issued special and detailed provisions to employees as a precaution and whilst ever this health emergency persists.