Rome, 5 October 2018
The FS Italiane Group is heavily committed to rejuvenating regional and commuter transport, putting at the heart of the business chain the needs of people who each day choose trains to travel for work, study and tourism.
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane is working together with all the operating companies to strengthen its competitiveness and leadership role for high-speed services and logistical services supporting the national system.
“Regional transport, high-speed, logistics and digitalisation for new services to commuter clients are the priorities and industrial challenges which are the focus of the next Business Plan, on which we have already been working since August”, declared Gianfranco Battisti, CEO and MD of FS Italiane, on the fringe of the meeting with delegates from Greek transport sector bodies, further explaining that, “at this point, the sole focus is on the industrial development of the Group and we are not focussed on financial investment in other businesses”.