This Christmas, the FS Group stands by the Insuperabili Onlus, the association that, since 2012, has been promoting sport in the lives of children of various ages with different types of disabilities. With them, FS Italiane is taking the field, donating the entire proceeds of the annual 2022 fundraising campaign with the aim of making an effective contribution to the construction of an inclusive sports centre for all.
The solidarity campaign will start on 19 December and you can donate via one of two ways:
· Online, through the web page dedicated to the initiative;
· At Trenitalia self-service ticket machines in stations by adding a small financial contribution to the ticket price.
The fundraiser will run until Friday, 30 June 2023 and demonstrates the Group’s great commitment to those who are less fortunate. People are a fundamental value for FS, which carries out projects and initiatives to promote social integration. A year ago, for example, the proceeds of the Christmas collection was donated to the Bambino Gesù Foundation for the purpose of building a Paediatric Palliative Care Centre in Passoscuro.
Donations will go towards the construction of the first inclusive sports centre open and accessible to people with and without disabilities, in line with the mission of the Insuperabili to start with sport in ensuring the growth and integration into society of children with disabilities.
For more than 10 years, Insuperabili Onlus has been helping children and adults with relational, cognitive, motor, behavioural and sensory disabilities thanks to a multidisciplinary team of specialised Coaches, Psychologists and Educators who, on a daily basis, combine their knowledge for an overall improvement of the person.
Since 2021, when the project came to be, 17 operating locations throughout Italy have been inaugurated, with 650 footballers having worn the blue and white colours to date.