Milano Rogoredo-Pavia

Milano Rogoredo-Pavia

The project envisages a quadrupling between Milano Rogoredo and Pavia through the construction of a new set of tracks alongside the existing ones for a total length of about 29 kilometres. Also planned is to transform service locations along the line into stops, with the exception of the Pieve Emanuele installation, which will be transformed into a station.

The intervention is split into two functional stages, the first including a quadrupling of the Milano Rogoredo-Pieve Emanuele section (at about 11 kilometres), whilst the second concerns the completion up to Pavia (about 18 kilometres).

The intervention will increase capacity and separate the types of traffic, specialising the two lines. At the same time, a new suburban service to/from Pieve Emanuele is foreseen.

The project has received partial public funding, including NRRP funds.

Chiara De Gregorio was appointed Extraordinary Governmental Commissioner for completion of the works.



  • The project shall allow for an overall increase in capacity from 10 trains/hour/direction on the current line to 20 trains/hour/direction on the two lines overall.
  • At the same time, the regularity of traffic will also be improved through the specialisation of traffic on the two lines.
180 km/h maximum speed
29 total kilometres
987 mln € in investments

Work progress status

  • Design
    Since 2018
  • Permits
    Since 2022
  • Tenders
    Since 2022
  • Start of work
    Dal 2023
  • End of work
    Since 2026

Milano Rogoredo – Pavia - Milano Rogoredo – Pavia

Stages of progression: WORKS 

  • Design end date: 2018
  • End date of the authorisation process: 2022
  • Date of tender publication: 2022
  • Start date of executive design and construction: 2023
  • Activation Date: since december  2026 by steps