Mestre, 9 March 2021
The renewal of the regional Venetian regional fleet of Trenitalia (FS Italiane Group) continues with the delivery of the twentieth train – a new Pop – and the seventh to hit 2021 the tracks of Veneto after those delivered in January and February. To these, two new Rock trains will be added in the coming days, bringing the total to twenty-two trains.
At the ceremony, held this morning in the workshops of Venice Mestre, were present Luigi Corradi, Trenitalia’s Chief Executive Officer along with Luca Zaia and Elisa De Berti, President and Vice-President of the Veneto Region respectively. In addition, there representing Trenitalia were Sabrina De Filippis, Director of the Regional Passenger Division and Titian Baggio, Regional Director for Veneto.
Delivery of the new Pop train, in circulation as of today on the Bassano del Grappa-Venice line, is part of the fleet renewal program envisaged under the Service Agreement entered into by the Veneto Region and Trenitalia. The Contract foresees for the delivery of 78 new trains (47 Rock and 31 Pop), for an investment of more than 660 million euro.
With almost 97 trains out of 100 arriving on time even in 2021, Veneto is one of the most punctual regions of Italy.