Rome, 30 September 2020
“Covid-19 took us by surprise but the health emergency will not hinder Frecciarosa going ahead, now in its tenth year of life. This year, the Frecciarosa will cover virtually all of Italy, offering a more capillary and extensive service throughout the entire country,” says Adriana Bonifacino, President of IncontraDonna Onlus, a non-profit association operating on a voluntary basis and focused on people wishing to be properly informed and to adequately understand a pathology of such great social significance as is breast cancer. “Prevention cannot go into quarantine and it is the only weapon for staying healthy and limiting any damage upon a pathology being discovered,” explains Bonifacino.
Promoted by IncontraDonna Onlus and the FS Italiane Group – with the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Health and the participation of Farmindustria – the Frecciarosa initiative returns from 1 to 31 October, this year celebrating its tenth edition.
The Frecciarosa campaign was presented in Rome today by Roberto Speranza – Minister of Health, Gianfranco Battisti – CEO of FS Italiane, AdrianaBonifacino – President of IncontraDonna Onlus, EnricaGiorgetti – Director General of Farmindustria and GiordanoBeretta – President AIOM, with the aim of distributing information that is easy for people to consult, disseminating suggestions for prevention through senological and oncology counselling and raising awareness regarding the importance of adopting proper lifestyles. The press conference commenced with a video presentation from Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who expressed his affinity with the initiative.
“Throughout these months, all of us have deeply understood the importance of adopting responsible behaviour and have gained full awareness of the fundamental value of our National Health Service has for the community,” stated Health Minister Roberto Speranza. “This useful guide reminds us that prevention is the most effective medicine we have to counteract the onset of certain pathologies, whether it be by adopting proper lifestyles or by subjecting ourselves to free screening programs offered by our territorial healthcare.”
“Ten years ago, the first two Frecce adorned in pink set out from the Roma Termini station on a journey that placed women, their rights, dignity, health and safety at the centre. Since then, that journey has never stopped,” says Gianfranco Battisti, CEO and General Manager of FS Group Italiane. “In this 2020, which has reminded us the extent to which health and safety are essential values and rights to be protected by any means, we confirm our support for Frecciarosa, which has reached its tenth year, solely aboard the train through direct contact with around 10 million people and allowing thousands of men and women on board or through the waiting rooms to receive medical information on proper lifestyles, increasing the culture of prevention. Indeed, today more than ever, social responsibility is a fundamental value for FS Italiane, which has always placed its focus on the person and their rights, potential and needs, whilst enhancing and including diversity.”
“Frecciarosa is now an indispensable annual appointment”, adds Adriana Bonifacino, President of IncontraDonna Onlus. “Despite the pandemic, IncontraDonna sought to maintain its commitment to the Italian population. Indeed, never before have our citizens needed to hear a friendly and professional voice, able to offer advice and suggestions regarding pathologies that certainly cannot and should not be neglected, starting with breast tumours.”
This year, there are numerous Frecciarosa innovations. IncontraDonna Onlus and FS Italiane decided to organise the 10th edition with alternative means compared to prior editions. The Frecciarosa Platform ( – created ad hoc for the month of October – goes digital, transforming the campaign and transferring all traditional activities to online mode. A team of oncologists (specialists affiliated with IncontraDonna Onlus along with senior and junior doctors of the AIOM (Italian Association of Medical Oncology) will be available for travellers to avail of free consultations via live streaming, in total security and in compliance with privacy regulations. The service, aimed at everyone, will facilitate talks with doctors on prevention and health issues but also offer free specialist advice online.
Frecciarosa is an initiative involving all age groups. It is a significant opportunity for conducting activities and initiatives to promote the health of entire families by delving into topics such as the prevention of cancer of the breast, colon, ovary, lung, along with melanomas, HPV vaccination (Human Papillomavirus) along with healthy nutrition and physical activity.
Breast cancer – which records 53,000 new cases per year – is a disease that has both physical and psychological consequences that are significant for the sufferers, and a strong impact in the family as well as professionally. “For these reasons, it is essential to disclose – using language that is approachable and accessible to all – proper information on topics and discussions that are often subject to misinformation and false beliefs,” concludes Bonifacino from IncontraDonna Onlus.
Via streaming, the platform guarantees individual medical consultations with specialists in senology, oncology, gastroenterology, gynaecology, psycho-oncology, nutrition, urology, dermatology, pulmonology, along with webinars and podcasts where specialists speak about prevention and health issues, a simulation of events held remotely and remote ‘gatherings’ such as live dance classes, cooking lessons, sports events and make-up tutorials. For those who do not manage to book an online consultation, there is a form that can be filled out listing questions that will then be answered by a team of oncologists. The platform can be accessed via the websites of IncontraDonna Onlus and Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane as well as through their official social media channels.
Frecciarosa has achieved amazing results over these years. In the nine previous editions, some ten million Trenitalia passengers were intercepted, with about 7,000 consultancies, visits and ultrasound scans offered free of charge and some 600,000 copies of the Health Vademecum distributed in hard copy. Also scheduled this year is a video shared with the Ministry of Health to be played on all Frecciarossa trains. The campaign will also be promoted through the monitors aboard the Frecce trains and on the regional trains all throughout Italy. In addition, all media in the Italian FS Group will be metaphorically dyed pink to promote prevention.