Adverse weather: the current situation for railway traffic managed by RFI and Trenitalia

Rome, 27 February 2018

Tomorrow, 28th February, 80% service is assured for high-speed trains on the Naples – Rome – Milan route and 70% on Lazio local journeys.

Refunds for national trains may be requested by completing the relevant form on the Trenitalia website.

Update at 18.00 - Adverse weather: alterations to the rail service on 28th February

According to the weather bulletin issued by the Civil Defence body, a serious state of emergency remains regarding ice in the area and in the Rome rail hub.

Tomorrow, 28th February, 80% service will be guaranteed for high-speed trains; the Railway companies will, through their communication channels, advise their customers of cancelled journeys and alternative travel solutions.

In terms of local transport, the percentage of Lazio services running will rise from 50% to 70%.

The reduction in service is necessary, given the forecasts for a large drop in temperature, to enable a more restricted use of the infrastructure which can ensure its greater and continuous efficiency, especially in the Rome Termini and Rome hub centres.

Throughout the course of tomorrow, RFI will publish updates on the ongoing situation and the measures planned for the following days, depending on changes in the weather.

Update at 14.00 - Puglia: minor emergency snow plan active

As of 11.00, the minor emergency snow plan is active on the Foggia – Bari, Bari – Taranto and Foggia – Termoli lines.


  • on the Bari – Foggia line, metropolitan trains are cancelled between Molfetta and Mola di Bari. Passengers will be able to use trains on the Barletta - Fasano route and those on the Lecce – Bari - Foggia route, which will make unscheduled stops;
  • on the Foggia –Termoli line, delays and cancellations possible;
  • on the Bari – Taranto line, all trains on the Bari – Gioia del Colle line are cancelled. Passengers can use trains on the Bari – Taranto route, which will make unscheduled stops.

The assistance desk in Bari Centrale will have extra manpower for the evening rush hour. Information also available on-board local trains.

Update at 13.00

The running of local Lazio trains is going ahead in accordance with what was determined and communicated yesterday afternoon, with the service reduced by about 50%, as specified in the RFI plan for serious snow and ice emergencies. On the Rome – Formia – Naples route, traffic rapidly slowed down this morning due to the heavy snowfall that affected the area and the railway hub in Naples.

It became necessary to implement the reduction determined by the plan due to the weather forecasts issued by the Civil Defence body regarding a substantial temperature reduction; the plan provides for a restricted use of the infrastructure, thus ensuring greater and continuous efficiency, especially at the Rome Termini and Rome hub centres.

This is the current line-by-line situation:

  • LEONARDO EXPRESS: all scheduled connections have been made
  • FL1 (Orte – Monterotondo – Rome – Fiumicino) one train every half hour from and to Monterotondo/ Fiumicino. The service has run as planned, with some slow-down due to a strong influx of passengers at Fiera di Roma where a public recruitment event was taking place;
  • FL2 (Rome –Tivoli –Sulmona) connections to and from Rome Tiburtina/Tivoli/Lunghezza have run; the service has operated as planned, but with delays of up to 40 minutes between 06.00 and 08.20 due to an infrastructure failure at Guidonia station;
  • FL3 (Rome –Viterbo) one train every half hour from Ostiense - Cesano; the Cesano – Viterbo  service is interrupted and Rome – Viterbo connections have been suspended. The service has operated according to plan, with one cancellation at 6.30 as a result of a technical problem with the train;
  • FL4 (Rome –Albano/Velletri/Frascati) all trains are leaving from Ciampino at a frequency of one train per hour for Albano, one train per hour for Frascati and one train per hour for Velletri;
  • FL5 (Rome –Civitavecchia – Grosseto Pisa) one train per hour; Rome- Ladispoli connections suspended. The service has run according to timetable;
  • FL6 (Rome – Frosinone and Rome – Cassino) one train every half hour, Rome - Colleferro connections suspended. The service has run normally, with some delays caused by connections for passengers coming from the Castelli;
  • FL7 (Rome – Formia – Naples) Formia - Rome and Naples - Rome routes running, one train every half hour at peak commuter times and one train per hour for the rest of the day; Rome – Latina trains cancelled. The service ran as planned in the early hours of the morning then, because of the snowfall affecting the Naples hub and subsequent slowdowns, the trains began to experience delays. Delays which are gradually reducing because the efficiency of the infrastructure at the Naples hub has now been fully restored;
  • FL8 (Rome –Nettuno) one train every half hour terminating at Campoleone. The service has experienced variations with delays and cancellations following an infrastructure fault at Campo Di Carne.

There may be further alterations to the availability of rail services depending on changes to weather conditions. RFI and Trenitalia’s snow and ice plans remain active.

Rail traffic is gradually being resumed at the Naples rail hub. It was this morning impacted by the difficult weather conditions and snowfalls which have affected the city.

For rail journeys which cross the Neapolitan area, restrictions to normal service are in place. Up to about 14 long distance direct trains, coming from Salerno and beyond, will not go into Naples Central, stopping instead at Villa Literno, from where passengers will be able to reach the Neapolitan capital by local trains.  

At the Rome hub it has been confirmed that the rail services available will be in accordance with the timetable announced and communicated yesterday, with 80% of high speed trains running and 50% of local Lazio trains.

For the whole day, high speed trains coming from or going to Naples, Salerno and beyond, and for which Rome Termini is not therefore the terminus, will not go into Termini, instead halting at Rome Tiburtina to allow passengers to disembark and exit.

Rail services are at the moment subject to long delays at the Naples hub, because of a deterioration of weather conditions and the heavy snowfalls currently occurring.

In accordance with the emergency status for the snow and ice plans, high speed services between Naples and Rome have been reduced. Local services in Campania are also greatly reduced.

At the Rome hub, it has been confirmed that rail services are running in accordance with the plan, at 80% for high speed trains and 50% for local Lazio trains.

Assistance points have been increased at all the main metropolitan hubs.

Update at 18.00 - Adverse weather: alterations to the rail service on 28th February