May edition of La Freccia, exclusive interview with Pope Francis

The Pontiff: “We must look after and listen to young children. They will be the ones to make us, the adults, aware. This exchange can bring a real hope for change for everyone”

Rome, 2 May 2024

Pope Francis is the cover of the May edition of La Freccia magazine. In an exclusive interview with the free on-board monthly magazine distributed by Trenitalia, the Pontiff launches a message to mark his first World Children’s Day, on 25 and 26 May in Rome, inviting people to look at the world through the eyes of children. The Pope explained: “They are the ones who still keep a sense of beauty that is intact. This exchange can bring a real hope for change for everyone”. Pope Francis’s wish is to “grow without losing simplicity. And the simplicity of a child is not the same as that of a young person or an adult”.

The Pontiff also spoke of peace and respect for mother nature. The Holy Father explained in the interview with La Freccia: “The crisis requires the involvement of all people: the whole of society should exert healthy pressure, because it is up to every family to think that the future of their sons and daughters is at stake”.

Speaking on environmentally friendly public trains, Pope Francis said that “it is fundamental to change our lifestyles to safeguard our Common Home”, noting that he has always loved taking public transport because “it is a way to be among people, to feel their warmth and their concerns”.

The May issue also devotes ample space to sports, music and culture. From the 107th Giro d’Italia and the Giro-E, scheduled from 4 to 26 May for which Trenitalia is the Official Green Carrier, to interviews with MotoGP world champion Francesco Bagnaia. It also features Federica Pellegrini, who is relaunching her Fede Academy, and singer-songwriter Samuele Bersani, who is back with summer live shows with the Ensemble Symphony Orchestra.

All this and more in May's La Freccia, available in digital format on FS Italiane and in take-away print magazine on Trenitalia Frecce trains, in the FRECCIALounge and in FRECCIAClubs.