Nothing moves us more than emotion

FS Group is the Mobility Premium Partner of the Milan Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games

FS Group 2025-2029 Strategic Plan

100 billion in investments to keep pace with the country's growth

Press releases and news
21 March 2025
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A.: Board of Directors approves funding instruments for 2025

The Board of Directors of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. (FS), chaired by Tommaso Tanzilli, today approved the issuance of new EMTN bonds and other medium/long-term funding instruments up to a total maximum amount of 1.95 billion euros.

6 March 2025
FS Italiane: new BoDs of RFI, Trenitalia, Anas, Italferr, Busitalia, FS Sistemi Urbani, Ferservizi and FS International appointed

The Shareholders' Meetings of the companies RFI, Trenitalia, Anas, Italferr, Busitalia, FS Sistemi Urbani, Ferservizi and FS International - wholly owned subsidiaries of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane - were held.

18 February 2025
Technical inspection to the Genoa Junction/Terzo Valico single project construction site by Minister Matteo Salvini

A technical inspection by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini took place today at the Genoa Brignole construction site, in the heart of the Ligurian ‘Terzo Valico - Genoa Junction’ project.

km of rails

and 32,000 km of national road and motorway network

21.3 billion
tonnes/km on rail