Everything can be lost in an instant. Haste, distraction or bad habits can cause devastating fatalities.

Respecting the rules regarding road and rail safety allows us to enjoy the moments we cherish – the weekend we look forward to with much anticipation, an unexpected gift on a birthday or a laugh with old friends.

This is the invitation of “Regole. Una sicurezza per la tua sicurezza”, the first awareness-raising campaign of the Infrastructure Hub of the FS Group, promoted and signed in synergy by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana and Anas under the patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.

*Only in italian version

Recognising dangerous situations that can occur on the road, in the station and near the tracks means keeping ourselves safe, safeguarding our dreams and ensuring the future of our ventures. It means being able to live on sentiments.

If life is a succession of moments, even waiting times have a profound value. To be respected.

So, wait behind the yellow line at the station. Stop when the train whistles and the level crossing bars lower. Hold back when the temptation of crossing the tracks is seeking to lead us astray.

Three simple rules that keep our lives and the lives of others safe.




With “Regole. Una sicurezza per la tua sicurezza”, RFI and Anas aim to spread a culture of honourable behaviour, emphasising the close correlation between our most precious asset – life – and rule-breaking.

Because whether they are long considered or made in a few seconds, some choices have long-lasting effects.

So, why risk losing everything?

Rules for your safety

The main causes of accidents at the station and on the road are due to non-compliance with the rules, haste, simple distraction and bad habits.

A few simple rules for your safety: find out more!